Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Derita Mahasiswa yang Tinggal di ***

Penang - *** Tempat tinggal para mahasiswa USM memiliki fasilitas super istimewa, hotel Shangri-La yang bintang lima aja kalah. Hostel tidak berlantai bin bersemen ini, akan memulai operasi penyewaan bilik alias kamar dalam bahasa indonesia kepada mahasiswa luar. Karena itu, mahasiswa dalam termasuk International Student (yang udah bayar mahal) ditendang keluar *eh salah*, diminta mencari tempat tinggal lain. Salah seorang korban, termasuk penulis, cuma mau tinggal 3 hari setelah pembersihan hostel pun ikut diusir. Dengan berjuta alasan dari pihak adminstrasi. Pihak administrasi meminta penulis menghubungi salah seorang pegawai yang bertugas namun pegawai tersebut hanya dapat dihubungi pada hari rabu, sedangkan hari rabu penulis yaitu hari ini sudah dilewati dengan tidur yang nyenyak alias ngebo setelah ujiannya berakhir dengan GeJe (jadi intinya, lupa telfon deh...)
Inilah kisah pahitnya:
Penulis (P): Excuse me, i would like to ask if i wanna stay for 3 more days after 27th in this hostel is it possible, do i need to pay?
Administrasi (A): Why u didn't book the room earlier?
P: but it only 3 days..
A: but the due date is 27, after that u need to move out
P: I can't stay here
A: Try to contact this number, but she is not available now so you can call her on wednesday.
P: Really cannot ah? Only 3 days?
A: but then we dunno whether there still room available or not
P: *ealah mas, mas.. Aku yo ngerti seng tinggal nang kene pas liburan lo gak sampe seperempat orang usm, seng disewano yo mek ***, ngunu kok yo cik kesede ngecek tooo* Owh Ok, nevermind thank you *fake smile*

Penulis tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa lagi selain geleng-geleng kepala melihat betapa profesionalnya pelayanan di hostel yang ditinggalinya. Mengingat kembali setiap semester harus membayar udang sekolah 3 kali lebih mahal dari murid lokal, membuat sang penulis ingin sekali membakar kompleks *** (lumayan ada tasik harapan 2, lebih gede dari yang di dalem kampus kan??). Namun, akal sehat bin ajaib masih ada di dalam pikiran penulis, jadilah penulis yang mau mengalah dan baik hati ini memutuskan untuk tidak memperpanjang konflik tapi pindah ke apartemen temannya.

Sekian berita, terimakasih.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Aku Ingin Berkhayal

Alhasil nganggur ngga bisa belajar, jadilah misi expolrasi ke blog Raditya Dika.. And, *jeng* *jeng* *jeng*.. Nemu puisi lama yang buagus buanget karya Sapardi Djoko Damono...


aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu

aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan
awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada

dalam pikiranku sekarang: Oh Tuhan, kapan ya aku bisa bikin puisi kayak gini??? Kalo bisa bikin gini, uda masuk muri aku.. wakakakkakaka

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm dreaming of......

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.. eh salah, yang bener: I'm dreaming of a weird dream...
Hari natal yang masih nun jauh disana, entah kenapa aku mulai memimpikan dirimu~~ *GJ*
Ok, yang bener, 2 hari ini aku mulai mimpi aneh-aneh. Entah emang otak ini uda ada mur yang copot, ato error kebanyakan belajar.. Dari mimpi pertama:

mimpi paling indah sedunia
Entah gimana, dalem mimpi lagi di perpustakaan, belajar sama mami Claire.. Terus tiba-tiba si mami sakit n ngajakin ke belakang. Eh di belakang tuh Hamzah Sendut 1 baru tau aku (dalam mimpi) ada rumahnya *wooow* swt... Lanjut jalan baru tau juga kalo deket situ ada pasar pula... Hebuat!!! *applause to USM library*. setelah itu entah gimana nyambung ke kamar di hostel *hurm...* terus mau santai-santai sambil nonton n tidur, eh ketiduran. Waktu bangun, mataku jadi tiga dunia!!! kayak layar komputer rusak, ada tiga bagian terpisah.. Hebat kan *untung cuma mimpi, fyuuhh*

mimpi belajar
mungkin saking cintanya belajar, aku mimpi lagi belajar. Dibangunin roommate dari tidur siang n belajar, terus bosen n chatting ma ceceku yang gila.. Abis itu... Bangun deh... Ehh, cuma mimpi toh ternyata.... =.= (ya kan beraharap, jarang-jarang aku bisa belajar serius)

mimpi ngurusin bayi
ini mimpi yang paling WTF... ahhahahah.. Masa tiba-tiba jadi suster di ruang dokter. Bantuin ibu-ibu bersalin, dan anehnya abis lahir bayinya langsung duduk n dikasi susu botol =.=. Terus, entah aku yang ngasinya kasar, susunya ga ditelen ma bayinya, udalah, uda dikasi makan harus di pok-pok sekarang biar gelegeken. Anehnya, aku pok-poknya di perut, bukan di punggungnya (hebat bayinya ngga muntah...). Abis itu bangun lagi.. Untung lagi cuma mimpi, amit-amit jadi suster... hahahhahaha

udah.. sampe sekarang itu aja mimpinya, ga usah banyak-banyak lagi =.=... moga-moga malem ini tidurnya tenang...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nyanyian Gadis yang Patah Hati

Patah hati...
bagaimana tidak patah hati
kalau mereka semua pergi
aku hanya melihat dengan wajah sepi...

patah hati
melihat wajah mereka berseri
bawa luggage bag untuk kembali
sedangkan aku.. ADA UJIAN DISINI!!!!!!!!

patah hati
semua lorong mulai sepi
adanya kucing mengeong mencari nasi
aku disini, MASIH PERLU BELAJAR LAGI!!!!!!!!

patah hati..
semua nonton harry potter hari ini
pergi dengan pujaan hati
tetapi aku, MENGENCANI BUKUKU SENDIRI!!!!!!!!!!!

ahhh.. gimana caranya nggak gila kaloo giniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! tidaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!

pulangkan saja aku kepada ibuku~~~ *sing mode on*

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy birthday to my (un)beloved Sister

This wish is for my (un)beloved elder sister:

ceceku yang sudah tua..
bertambah sudah umurmu
keriput mulai menghiasi wajahmu

ceceku yang sudah tua
7 taun sudah kita bersama
melalui angin dan badai
yang jelas maupun gak jelas

ceceku yang sudah tua
janganlah masalah menghancurkan hidupmu
jelek sudah wajahmu
jangan ditambah-tambahi lagi

ceceku yang sudah tua
sebagai adik yang sangat dan amat berbakti
hanya ini yang bisa kuucapkan:
Ceceku yang udah gila dan gak waras!!!!
Happy birthday!! Panjang umur
may you get prettier *but not as pretty as me*
may you get smarter *but not as smart as me*
wish you all the best *but not as best as mine*
and as the closing i wanna say: you getting older 1 hour earlier here!!! wakakakkakakka
so: TUEK! TUA! OLD! LAO! ABUELA! NAI NAI! NENEK! OMA! GRANDMA! EMAK!! Happy birthday!!!!!!
this is the best post!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

God or Future

Just now my parents call me. Due to the change of my number, they need to confirm something with me. But, our conversation in the end become quite serious. When my dad talked to me, he ask me about some progress in my university, some club that i joined, and some important things. I tell him that i gonna quit from one of the society in my university since my catholic society that i joined already very busy and my course also getting busier. When i tell him that i wanna quit, he told me to quit from my catholic society instead of this society. Yeah, i was shocked with his point of view, though i know what he said is for my best.
He told me, this society is more important for your future and help me a lot later on. But, there's one of my consideration: I just want to serve.
Dad: from my experience joining that kind of society will never help your future..
me: Is it wrong then? i have a commitment not to people, but to God.
Dad: Then you just pray and ask for forgiveness, he'll sure understand.
me: Yeah, sure God will understand, but you give a commitment before...
Dad: Tell him it was for your future and its very important.
me: But i was involved as one of the committee..
Dad: Just stop, it's easier..
me: But this is a commitment to Him. Not to people.
Dad: you must see which one is more real. Joining that kind of society won't help your future.
me: *quiet*
Dad: up to you la, choose which one you think is the best
(call ended)

Now, i just wonder. If only i can join both without sacrificing anything i would like to do so. But my course, we always got meeting every week, even to go mall also a very happy things for me. How long i never enjoy myself? I keep on busy with my society and assignment till forget how to enjoy every single thing (i didn't say that i have a regret in this semester). I just want to have a fun for awhile. Maybe i'm too playful...
Another thing, i realize how long i've been searching for my call from Him. I already ask that for more than 7 years, and just got it in the middle of this year. I'm happy to start, for me some obstacle is okay, my concentration is Him, serving. But now, when i tell my Dad about my desperation searching for it, he just simply ignore it. He always think religious thing is not important (he always said i was too influenced by my sister).. But then, now? Which one will you choose? God or future? While you already wait for and ages for serving, while all your friends already start their serving and looking you as a trash when you were nothing. So, which one will you choose? God or future?

sekian berita, terimakasih.... lol

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I lost my phone

Handpone ku ilaaaaaaaaaaaaaangggggggg!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Shock*... J*mbu... Taiiii!!!!!!! Sopo seng nyolong c*k... HUwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....
J*mpuuuuuuttttt... >.< huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............................ syok berat *hux*

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Meaning of Rosary

I've try to do rosary this few days, actually so long already i tried to do but i never able to fully concentrate.. Until a few days ago, when i tried to relax my heart and mind, give all my problem to God. My rosary was started, as usual i didn't feel anything until there's someone tell me to spell every words with my heart. I start to do so.. So boring at first, and hard because i get use to pray fast.
After a few times i keep on repeating, the happiness come to my heart, the happiness of greeting Mother Mary, the happiness to be able to greet her in such a prayer and to know that she was really a Holy Mother...
Little by little my heart become more lighter, i'm not so stress and crazy. I can enjoy my day and my exam also (even today i got a bad mark for my coursework T.T). My heart were in peace. No fear and no anger. So peaceful, until i ask my sister "what's wrong with me? Am i numb already? too much fear till numb??" *lol*

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Is there anyone can remind me why i'm still here?? Why i have to stay in people's country and study. Lately, i feel empty, left out, and useless. What am i?? So many things make me think this way, i feel like i have a trauma to rebuild things that crushed in the past...
I really feel like i want to go back home, i don't want to stay here. I'm so scared.. I scared of their rejection. My confidence fly to the air, i don't have any confidence to believe in other and renew everything. I'm scared....
I still wonder why i still have to continue everything, why can't they stop? I'm tired... I want to run, if only i have choices. Why i'm not a f*cking damn rich girl who proclaim that they were strong and in the end they runaway because their parents got a lot of money to running her away.. Why i'm not in that situation????? Why i have to be here, alone and left with no choice??!!! Life is too unfair... Really too unfair... And i hate this life.....
If tomorrow was my end, i might be happier, might i???

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Frozen Mind

another year had passed
yet, there is no sign
i wait till this heart smashed
but, he doesn't mind
to the smallest pieces my soul has shattered

my tears fall like rain
my pray lost in vain
my mouth full of pain
yet, he still remain

as if an animal
loosing all his heart
he thought all is normal
while he crush every part

while my wound deepen
his leg seems strengthen
he walk away as if nothing happen
because all is frozen

for my dear bro, open your eyes and see.. we all still here to support you, let's don't blame other, stand up and walk......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Now i saw your there
in the corner there
laughing, smiling
enjoying your own world

i never thought before
you were that weak
i never expect before
you were such a loser

people say life must go on
but you run away
and i stay, waiting
like a stupid....

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