Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Meaning of Rosary

I've try to do rosary this few days, actually so long already i tried to do but i never able to fully concentrate.. Until a few days ago, when i tried to relax my heart and mind, give all my problem to God. My rosary was started, as usual i didn't feel anything until there's someone tell me to spell every words with my heart. I start to do so.. So boring at first, and hard because i get use to pray fast.
After a few times i keep on repeating, the happiness come to my heart, the happiness of greeting Mother Mary, the happiness to be able to greet her in such a prayer and to know that she was really a Holy Mother...
Little by little my heart become more lighter, i'm not so stress and crazy. I can enjoy my day and my exam also (even today i got a bad mark for my coursework T.T). My heart were in peace. No fear and no anger. So peaceful, until i ask my sister "what's wrong with me? Am i numb already? too much fear till numb??" *lol*


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