Saturday, July 31, 2010

St. Anne Feast

Today, me and my CUS friends went to the St. Anne feast in Bukit Mertajam. Actually, i never heard anything about St. Anne feast in my country and it was not such a big event like what they have now in Penang.
We went from USM around 11 something since the bus was pretty late and when we reach there, the church already very crowded. I was very amazed, i feel like this event is the small version of St. Peter Church in Vatican where a lot of people gather and wait for the mass. They even willing to stay in a camp and wait for the open mass.. OMG..

See.. They even stay over in the open place like that.. But the open mass is really really crazy la, they got the picture that all people gather until the outside of the church..

There's also a lot of people standing in one line in front of the church gate for a devotion so that their wish can come true.. This scene i took at 1 something and it's not so many people yet. But when we finish our english mass the people who gather there become so many..

Another funny thing for today was, we wrongly come for the mass. We didn't come for the english mass but we come for thai mass. So then, we don't understand anything the pastor said.. hahahhaa. Because of that we go for the second mass at 5.30pm since it was the english mass.. It was a bit sad that we can't go for the open mass and we also don't know that actually this church provide a dorm for the people who wanna stay over. That's really too bad..
But we were quite satisfied for today since we were able to do the way of the cross and also do a lot of camwhoring until a lot of people starring, smiling, and even laughing at us.. hahahhaa.. We went back at 8pm and reached hostel at 9pm.. It was tiring but fun.. Hope next year i can come again and especially come for the open mass.. ^^

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Swt ah!!

Hari ini, aku ma temen aku pergi makan siang di Anjung Budi.. Yah, jam makan siang, bisa dibayangin betapa ramenya tuh restoran. Singkat cerita, saking ramenya, order lama, ditambah lagi aku order di salah satu stall eeh, setelah nunggu lama-lama baru dibilangin kalo uda g bisa masak lagi karena persadiaan abis.. WTH!
Yang lebi WTH lagi, aku ma temen aku lagi nyari tempat duduk, trus kita nemu tempat duduk yang baru ditinggalin ma 3 orang anak ******, UDA JELAS-JELAS MEREKA BAWA TAS MEREKA DAN PINDAH!!! Ehh, abis selse aku n temenku ambil masakan, mereka duduk di tempat yang uda aku tempatin.. Padahal uda jelas-jelas ada tas aku ma temenku disitu, masi nekat ditempatin.. Buta kali ye... Otomatis donk reaksiku "Excuse me, there's our bag here and we're sitting here".
Trus mereka jawab dengan sungkan, "Ehhh, we share la".
Karena kasian kalo mereka ntar makan berdiri jadi aku bolehin la.. Trus, dengan takut-takutnya mereka tanya, "Kalian ni daripada mana?".
Temen aku jawab,"We're from indonesia".
Masi dengan takut-takut lagi mereka tanya (a useless question), "How old are you?".
Aku jawab kalo aku 19 taun n temen aku jawab kalo dia 18 taun.. Eh, abis tau umur kita mereka ngelunjak, "We're 20, so we're older than you. Jadi kalian adek-adek kita la".
WTH!!!! Aku hampir mau bilang 'So what?'
Uda gitu, sejak tau kalo mereka lebi tua, kumat deh resenya, mulai bicara kayak sok kenal trus ga pake minta maaf lagi abis nempatin tempat orang.. Pake crita-crita asalh usul diri mereka segala, penting ga sih??? dasar orang gila... =.=


This is such an old boring topic that i'll talk about again.. I just wanna tell you so that you will know..
Well, i've been struggling a lot with my own problem, and i'm sure you also like that. One thing that i wanna said is, don't become someone who was eaten by their own pride. I know your pride is high, i also have a high pride that i want to show to everyone that i'm fine. It's good, you will look strong in that way. Well, so far you never tell me your problem but i can guess a bit about it. All that i want to say is, for your friends just throw away your pride, i know it's hard but it's not impossible. I've meet a lot of friends that i treasure so much, and there's some of them that leave me and also there's a lot of them that until now still stay beside me. I know it will be hurt like hell when the friends that you love so much leave you, but one thing that you have to know is: you still can love someone sincerely, not become a BITCH like them. Above all i don't want to have a bitch as my little sister, cuz i never teach you to become one..
Or maybe, if you don't want to end up as someone who was suffering because of you can't be honest to yourself, you better change. There's someone that you can see as your future figure if you stay in that way. One day you'll eventually become like her or worse.. If you still want to treasure your friends and family so that they won't leave you someday, change yourself. Be more honest, throw your pride cuz it'll become a trash for tomorrow. Well, you keep you pride high while you crush yourself, and it will soon consuming your heart.
You sure realize now, someone who keep their pride as high as hell were taken down by YOU! and someday, there will be someone who will take away or maybe step on your pride.. And the pain will be as hurt as hell.. ok?!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How to fix a broken relationship

lately i always wonder, how to repair a broken relationship. is it enough with one words "sorry"?? or maybe you need sometimes.. Once i asked my roommate, "Did you ever have any quarrel with your best friends? and how long it took to repair it?" She answered that to make everything back to normal she and her friend need more than 6 months. Wow, hell long wey!!!
But, deep in my heart i knew that what she said was true. She also told me that the longer and the deeper your relationship are, once you quarrel it will take longer time to fix it but when you successfully pass that crucial time your bond will be stronger...
Now i am thinking, will the time repair all this mess or make it worse. If it's really become worse, then this is the end of everything. I know sometimes i feel like i was driven by my own feelings, but this is the feeling that i cannot deny. it's impossible for a friends not hurting each other but it's also hard for you to open back the old scar and let it heal that fast. It seems like it will take an age to heal all of these and make everything back to normal....

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Tugas.. tugas.. tugas.. Gilo tuh guru-guru =.= Kasi tugas, tiap minggu ada satu n kumpul satu.. wooow... duileee.. Hope i can survive till the end.. k?? pray for me... hahaha

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lanjutan New Project

Yak, pemirsa, kembali dengan saya di sini.. (halah, apaan sih =.=)
Ternyata, email yang dikirim ke stasiun tv itu berhasil pemirsa!!! Wah hepi deh rasanya.. padahal uda kepikiran g bakal dibales soalnya kan bukan email resmi dari universitas. Tapi yah.. dibales ternyata, malah mereka minta proposal n jamin dibolein kesana lagi!! Yeah!! *jump*

btw, buat ccq.. tolong bantuin tny orgnya indosiar donk.. wkwkwkwk.. ccku sayangg.. hihihihi

I wonder...

I always wonder..
How to heal a heart, once you've been wounded
how to forgive someone, once you've been betrayed
even they didn't mean it

I always wonder...
Will you be able to entrust everything once more
Will you be able to smile like before
Will you be able to forgive them form your heart

Once the heart is wounded,
it takes an age to heal it
will you be able??

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today i went to Sunday Mass with my friends. I wake up quite early this morning and go out from my room around 07.15.. Quite early right (for me)? hehehe.. And we wait at the bus stop there, we wait and wait...... it's such a long wait, until the bus come at 8 something.. OMG!! So late.. So we reach the church straightly after the preach.. wooow!!
The thing that i really thought all the way back from church was the choir. You know, usually in every church in indonesia they will have a tons of choir who'll sing for the whole mass. But it's different with here, only got one person singing ( i wonder if you can call it a choir or not). But compare to those many people who sometimes just sing without any heart, this guy, really sing all out. He has such an angelic voice that can make you feel the feeling and on top of it he sang alone.
Sometimes when saw this kind of thing, i was really really amazed with them who can shine over all the people there. If you see it actually, there is a quite number of people to form a group choir (maybe more), even i know that the number of them not as much as in indonesia, but still.
Haih, i think that's all for today.. Btw, today i watch inception but i don't really understand the movie so i just fell asleep.. hahahaha

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Project

Nih dia.. This time, kali ini, masa ni... Aku dapet projek mengejutkan dari sang guru (wah, kesannya gimana getooo..) Si guru ni.. mw ngajak murid-muridnya study tour di Jakarta, belajar tentang broadcasting karena katanya di negaranya sendiri broadcastingnya ga sebagus indo (applause please).. Yaw dah, gitu deh jadinya, aku mulai nyari-nyari stasiun tivi di Jakarta yang bisa didatengi.. Moga2 projeknya berhasil la, itung2 latian buat aku ngurusin event yang lebi gede.. hahahha

Tapi pemirsa, tau apa ambisi utama sang guru.. Dia bilang ma aq, dia mau interview tuh si Luna Maya n Cut Tary... Katanya dia penasaran banget... huahahahahaha.. roflmao...

Thursday, July 8, 2010


This is almost the last day of my holiday. I don't know why, i feel like i don't want to go back. Lately there's a lot of problem that keep bothering me and it gives a lot of nightmare to me. I don't know what's wrong with me, but lately i just wanted to be understood. Nothing else... I also become very sensitive with my surroundings...

Btw, thanks to my sister who wanted to spend her time with me today, even i know that you have a lot of things to do.. hahaha.. You really help me go through this this day.... ^^

Monday, July 5, 2010


I just realize it! Gosh! Such a stupidity... How come i never realize that i've change so much in a short time. I'm not the one i know before, i'm just someone who walk and do as THEY wished. Last time i used to be a carefree person, who won't even think about other people opinion when i wanna do something. But lately, i'm become someone who always trying to make them satisfied with me without even concerning about my own feelings. OK! Their affection are indeed great, but it's slowly eat me. Those feelings consume me and make me become someone.. AH! i don't know, i become like their puppets. Everything i do, every step i take, i will relate it to them and it's make me insane. I got no freedom!! but now, i feel the old me gonna came back soon.. won't be that weak again (i hope). I hope, when those environment come back to haunt me once more, i won't be that fragile to be driven by them... haizz... >.<

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Sometimes i feel that it's not right to get angry at someone who never hurt me. Who have an intention only to hear you.. But i feel like i cannot understand myself lately, sometimes i got mood swing and i'll get angry to a certain people who disturb me. Recently i have some serious problem with my friends and i expect someone to understand me not asking me like i gonna go crazy soon or thinking that i have that problem due to my own paranoia. I just wanna ask whether you ever think that this problem really bugging me until changing my own character.. And you never realize...
Every time i come and cry, you just said that i just have some fucking crazy imagination about their hatred. You don't know how hurt i am, so don't speak if you don't know, even your purpose is to comfort me only.. But i don't know, i just not in the right mood now to be comforted with those kind of words... haizz...


aku hanyalah satu dari sejuta balon yang beterbangan
berputar dan menari-nari bagai daun tertiup angin
mengalir di udara bagai air di sungai

sang angin terbang membawaku
menggiring setiap langkah hidupku
mengangkatku tinggi dan juga menurunkanku
melihat manusia memandangku dengan takjub

namun, apakah aku
aku hanyalah balon
yang akan terbang tinggi dan tinggi
kemudian lenyap menghilang
menyatu dengan udara
dalam kebisuan semata....


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