Sunday, May 30, 2010

Horror week

This week, since we really really got nothing to do, so my and my sis rented some movie from rental and watched it in our place.. Hahahaha
Even some movie is really really strange and sometimes GeJe, but still worth to be watched. And every time we watch movie we always bought something and eat while watching... (hmm, i really can't imagine how much weight i'll gain and i don't want to measure it now because it will make me depressed :P)
This is some movie that i watch in this week:

1) Ju On... This is the GeJe movie that i tell you guys and this one is really really not frightening at all.. hahahha

2) Muoi.. This one also another GeJe... This movie talk about old horror tale in vietnam which is called "Muoi". A curse from woman who die of betrayal and bitterness in her life. In this story who die and who survive also gak jelas jd sodok swt nontone (entah yang hidup itu beneran idup ato kerasukan juga GeJe) wkwkwkwk

3) 4bia.. This is the best movie among the horror movie that i've watched.. hahaha.. Telling about 4 horror thing that happen to 4 different people.. Really really thrilling but it's very good *two thumb*. I recommended you to watch this..

Btw, maybe tomorrow i'll watch another horror movie... hoho.. can't wait already.. And i also want to watch Paris je t'aime...

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I open my eyes
I try to see but I’m blinded by the white light
I can’t remember how
I can’t remember why
I’m lying here tonight

And I can’t stand the pain
And I can’t make it go away
No I can’t stand the pain

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

Everybody’s screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I’m slipping off the edge
I’m hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can’t explain what happened
And I can’t erase the things that I’ve done
No I can’t

How could this happen to me
I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

I made my mistakes
I’ve got no where to run
The night goes on
As I’m fading away
I’m sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

by: Simple Plan

i just feel like this song really really suitable with my mood right now.... Y__Y

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All was ruined

Yeah people i'm a stupid....
I just ruin my own day! My own 'suppose to be' happy day.. I suppose to be happy today, went out with friends and watching movie. But i just can't made up my mind to forget everything that hurt me. This morning i saw them again and again, seem like the tried to mess up with me, show me how much they didn't need me. I didn't know whether it was a coincidence or not, but i knew that they never really saw me. What am i to them?? I didn't know.. Maybe i'm just someone that passing by in their life or someone who never really exist.. Well, it's just maybe..

Now i wanna ask my sister "Did i ever answering your problem like it was nothing to me? Cause maybe i feel it too now from my other friends.. if so, then forgive me"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to Train Your Bat!

Kalo di bioskop sekarang lagi ngetren-ngetrennya HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON.. Well, i have another thing to tell, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BAT... =.= jayus ah...
Sebenernya critanya mirip-mirip ma tuh film, bedanya nih kelelawar ketangkep di dapur bukan di langit. Sama lho tapi critanya, sayapnya patah trus teler deh (tapi yang ini gara-gara digeblok sapu ma pembantuku... =.=) Cara ngasi makannya juga sama, dilempar makanannya (bedanya ini dilempari belimbing bukan ikan.. wkwkwk). Tapi, kalo di how to train your dragon naganya nakut-nakutin orang, ini kelelawarnya yang takut ma orang... Make a sense right???
Oya, tidurnya juga sama-sama nggantung lo.. hihihi
Hari ini aku berhasil ngambil beberapa foto tuh kelelawar, walopun dia kelihatannya uda beware kalo liat aku.. wkwkwk

nih fotonya!!

waktu dikasi makan.. wkwkwkwk

ini yang abis bangun tidur, ternyata ada juga kelelawar yang bangun di siang bolong...


Monday, May 17, 2010

Film GeJe

hari ini saya nonton 2 film supeeerr gueje!!!
1. Ju On 2 / The Grudge 2
karena pulang dari TP kepagian jadi deh aku nonton film ini di rumah ccq.. wkwkwk.. But it's not that bad, quite ok.. hahaha. Cm crita gejenya mulai dari scene cewe SMA yang dihantui ma Ju On nya, geje gimana si cewe itu mati, masa ada dua scene berbeda yang menggambarkan matinya si cewe.. GeJe... Scene geje kedua waktu si aktris melahirkan. Ok la dia melahirkan hantu, tp abis itu bisa-bisanya si cewe bangun n mungut bungkusan geje terus dipeluk kayak anaknya. Awalanya takpikir tu cewe dah mulai sedheng, eeh, tp bungkusannya nangis coy! dan anehnya, entah berapa lama kemudian, si aktris cewe uda nggandeng anak cewe... Bisa ya bungkusan jadi anak??=.=
But it's ok, at least that was quite satisfying.. hahaha

2. Safa dan Marwah
Ini dia... Film super duper extra GuueeeJee... masa ada cowo yg tiba-tiba ngelindungin seorang cewe dari meteor jatuh (ga tau juga gimana tuh meteor bisa muncul) dan kepala dia ketabrak tuh meteor. Eeeh, bukannya mati malah lupa ingatan... Cape deh... \(-.-)/ mugnkin biar si cowo bisa inget lagi kepalanya harus diketokin sama meteor lagi kali yaa...
Terus.... G usah dilanjutin deh ceritanya, uda ilfil ngeliatnya.. huuh..

Geje lagi, geje lagi... gara gara????

Kayaknya bakal ada another GeJe case after this.. yaitu.. nilai ujiankuuuu!!!!!!!!! tidaaakkkk!!

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Saturday, May 15, 2010


Err.. ini cerita yang sebenernya aku ga maw cantumin, tp karena orangnya emang kliatan nyebelin, jd ya udah tulis aja.. hihihi
Alkisah di suatu tempat.. Hidup seorang tuan putri bersama orang tuanya dan juga dayang-dayangnya. Tuan putri ini adalah tuan putri yang manja dan sakkarepedewe.. hihihi.. Waktupun berlalu dan tuan putri menjadi dewasa. Dia lulus di universitas XXX di negara XXX. Setelah lulus kuliah dan menikah dia berencana menjadi ratu seperti ibunya dan mempelajari kemampuan spesial keluarga tersebut, yaitu NGIBULI!!
Suatu hari yang indah, sang putri berbicara dengan dayang-dayangnya dan salah seorang dayang bercerita,
dayang A : Eh tahu tidak, anakku, baru lulus tes XXX tanpa persiapan khusus!! Hebat khan???
dayang lain: Hebat2, anakmu pandai!!!
Putri : Beneran?? wah sama kayak aku dulu donk, malah nilaiku lebih di atas rata-rata!! hohoho
dayang laen: (dalam hati) ngibul ato jujur ni???
dayang A : (dalam hati) elo lulus dari hongkong? orang waktu tes itu yang nemeni elo tu gue.. dan gue liat jelas-jelas elo FAIL! masih sempet gaya.. Ude lupe ye???
Dayang-dayang yang lain hanya tertawa sambil meragukan kata-kata si putri dalam hati, sedangkan si putri senyum-senyum sendiri dan tenggelam dalam imajinasi maya bin gak mungkin yang ia ciptakan sediri...

pertanyaannya: si putri itu...
a. emang beneran bego
b. maw mbegoin orang
c. ngga sadar kalo dirinya bego

kata adekku "itu orang emang ga sadar kalo dia bego kali y...."

dan ada gagak lewat bilang "AHOOO" "AHOOO"

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Kerja, kerja~~~~

Kerja lagi, kerja lagi. Jujur aja liburan ini aku bener-bener super nguanggur. Karena itu, mamaku yang kilatannya uda gatel (gara2 liat aku nganggur mulu, ngerjain orang, bangun siang alias mbangkong tiap hari, dll) akirnya memberiku setumpuk kerjaan. Dari nempel stiker tembok, njait clana, njait handuk sampe ngerjain kerjaan kantornya dia.. wkwkwkwk!!
Sbenernya asik juga seh, daripada ga ada kerjaan n menggemukan diri. Yah, getu deh akernya 2 hari ini saya super sibuk.. hohoho (do not disturb!) Sampe2 si kakak rela ga rela yang maw mengajakku maen jadi ga bisa (maap y sai.. hihihi)

kerja, kerja~~~~~~


Friday, May 14, 2010


my throat was dry
my heart always cry
walking till this feet numb
hearing till this ears dumb

the soft wind touching my face
leaving without any trace
my tears shed no more
my eyes already sore

but, on the other place
the life keep its pace
and my life just another lost case

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Thursday, May 13, 2010


I just feel that i'm out of this world. All my friends is busy, they have their own university live and seems like they don't care about me. I'm tired, my friends at there start to forget about me. I know since the start i was nothing for them. The just found me as something entertaining and forget me in the end. And because of my own stupidity, i love them...
God, this world just too unfair. I want to froze my heart at this moment, just like what they do. I want to easily throwing my friends away, so i wont feel lonely, i wont feel betrayed, yet i can laugh on their sadness. But, like what i said before, maybe i'm too stupid.. Yes i am..
When i saw them having fun, forgetting about me, i just feel like "is it so nice for you to have fun with someone that YOU NEED and someday you'll throw away?" sometimes i feel like i pity them, but i want to be like them, so i won't feel the bitterness of friendship.
God, is it possible to freeze my heart?? If it is, then i want... If only i can put my heart in the fridge then ill put it there, so when i take it, i can put it on frying pan and fry it.. hahahaha *lame joke* T.T

hrrm... Maybe is better for someone if they don't have any heart, so they won't cry over anything....

my mood is totally mess right now, every time i think of them... Y_Y

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


tired.... hufff..... tired....
I can't go anywhere lately, just rotting at my home.. OMG
I want to go out, but they keep preventing me. They keep think that is not good, sometimes i think, what about if they knew my lifestyle in Malaysia.. got heart attack maybe...
Gosh, please, i just want to have some fun, sitting at home doing nothing is soooo boring. This is not Siti Nurbaya time ok!
IS it right for me to feel to tired for their over-protectiveness?? i just wanna go out, come on....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

evil laugh.. wuakakakakak

Untung si Uci gtw blog ini.. xixiixixixi

Sushi Tei Madness

Hari ini aq pergi k GM sama cc jadi-jadian ku (yg rela g rela wkt itu...). Kita makan di restoran idaman(dia) SUSHI TEI.. Karena uda lama g makan dsn, akirnya, makan kyk org gilaa.. "y ampun li, enake" katae si jadi2an itu.. wkwkwkwk..
y gtu deh pokoknya, kita (lebih ke si dia sih) makan kyk org gila.. wkwkwkwk

one of our madness after eating.. hahahaha
feel so full and satisfied^^

another madness in gelare.. xixixixi


Friday, May 7, 2010

spectacle Camwhoring.. hahahhaa

ini dia.. gara2 liat kacamata super 'keren', kita memutuskan untuk coba pake n dfoto.. Padahal awalnya cm mw beli kacamata buat adek n ko2q doank, tp liat kacamata kyk gini, g tahan jdny.. huhuhuhu... Akirnya, dipake deh... wakakakakka
untung kenal ma penjualnya *fyuuh*, coba ngga uda diusir kali y.. lol
ada bnyk lg d fb, feels free to check out.. hahahaha

I need HUG!

Angry, disappointed.. That's all that i felt from them, i really never expect that they can be so cruel.. Nice at the 1st, kind to me. But i was blinded, i didn't realize that at that time they just need me for a while and left me...Can I forget all this things forever? i feel like i want to leave all this thing behind, forget all about it and move on.. But, love is just stupid, i still care of them...

mencari cak to

hari ini (tepatny kemaren, soalny skrg uda jam 12.30 malam) aku dan ccku pergi, berkeliling, mencari-cari... bakso.. karena uda lama g makan, ccq yg rela g rela gmn gtu, menemaniku berkeliling kota (lebay)... hahahha.. g lah, sbnernya cm keliling kompleks kok..
muter kanan, kiri, atas, bawah.. g ktemu.. nyerah deh!! Pergi k McD akirnya.. hahahha.. setelah puas makan d McD, cak to nya ada *cape deh*. Tapi tetep beli kok, hahahaha.. (saya jadi nggragas dsn, ini baru makan mie *omg*)

loves from my grandma

2 days ago i just came back from Malaysia, and i got a big surprise from my grandma. She made a pastel for me, very delicious one. I really appreciate her, i got a lot of experience from her since i was small. She used to bathe me, taught me how to sing, taught me how to cook, sent me to school last time and sometimes came to my school in the parents day in charge of my mom.. hahahha
And now seeing her already in her golden age, i know it's not easy for her now to cook, but she still insisted to do one. I was really really happy that she loves me very much till now^^
btw, i will post some of the pic here..

look soo nice^^.. hahahhaa
i really love the soup inside the pastel.. hmmm

i appreciate it so much^^

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hi everyone.. actually this is not my first blog, but i hope that i can manage to update this blog. last time i used to create some blog, but end up forgetting about it, i hope i can update this blog periodically.. hahahha

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