Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Zero possibilities

everytime this time come
i feel like i wanna run
coz everything that already done
stick in my heart like a gum

people tell me to stand strong
but my heart tell me "this way is too long
sure something will go wrong
and no one gonna come along

coz the scar will always be there
and the past will never change"
Now i wish i could run across the time
so that my heart will be safe

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lo.. Ini masi tanggal 22...

Selintas kejadian yang terjadi di foodcourt PTC tadi... Entah awalannya ngomongin apa, pokoknya akhirannya si ngkong tanya gini...
ngkong (N): Lho, ini tanggal piro??
aku (L): *dengan pede* Tanggal 23.. (dalam hati: iya yo, ulang taune adikku, belum takkasi selamet.. mana pulang malem lagi nanti.. huff, ya wes.. gpp la)
N: *liak hape* lo, 22..
L: 23 kok..
N: dua tiga iqu besok..
L: sekarang hari rabu to??
N: selasa...
L:*liak hape* oh iya, tanggal 22.. (dalam hati: Untung adikku belum takkasih selamet ulang taun.. bisa terbengong-bengong dia..)

Pulang, aku ceritain ke adekku.. Dia cuman ketawa, sedang mamaku menyahut "untung kamu gak berbuat konyol.." =.= haiz... hahahaha


Hari ini jalan-jalan lageee... Sama ceceku yang gila dan ko Hadi.. Asik-asik!!! :D
Pertama pergi ke Landmarc, mall baru di daerah pakuwon. Bagus sih, tapi masih kosong melompong jadi agak ndomblong di sana tadi. Kalo ngga waktu diabisin buat foto foto *karena emang tempatnya bagus banget buat foto-foto* dan makan, uda pasti pulang dalam waktu setengah jam.. hahahaha.. Makan siang di food courtnya Landmarc *bagus lo, desainnya keren ~~~ Makan pizza yang enak dan sushi *sayang gak sempet difoto, uda dilahap dulu sihh*, ada juga orang yang pesen sayur asem sampe 30 ribu sendiri.. hihihihi...
Abis bosen foto-foto n keliling Landmarc, maunya sih karaoke, tapi sayang tutup *padahal suara ceceku lagi bagus-bagusnya, kasian diaa~~* akirnya ke PTC dehh... Muter-muter PTC 2 jam n bosen, keluar lageee... Terus ke HKY, maunya pengakuan dosa, tapi uda ga ada lagii.. huhu.. *forgive me lord* Jadi deh doa bentar di Gua maria terus balik lagi ke sono :D...
Sampe di Loop, ke hokky bentar muter-muter sebelum makan. Terus sekitar jam 6an makan di Chocolate Drop, enaaaakkkk~~~ apalagi coklat cairnya... see.. see... *how tempting~~*
Dan ada sedikit kejadian bodoh di sini yang dilakukan oleh aku, ceceku, dan ngkong...
cece (C): Had, jok cedek2 nek mbakar, nti gosong... (aku masih sibuk membakar marshmallowku sendiri)
ngkong (N): lo gosong *tapi lanjutin dibakar lagi*
C: leh yo sek dibakar maneh i.. *saking sibuknya liat si engkong..* Eh.. *kebakar juga punya dia, tapi dikit*
N: eh, eh.. *uda gosong banget marshmallownya*
aku(L): wakakkakakaka *saking lamanya ketawa, punyaku jadi kebakar.. gosong juga deh =.=* eh.. gosong poolll...
Abis kenyang makan dianterin pulang dehhh.. Sekian for today story~~~

btw, lagi bete... :(

Monday, December 20, 2010

Steam Boat and Sushi Tei^^


What a happy day~~~ 2 hariii, jalan-jalan mulu. Hari minggu ke TP abis pulang gereja, terus makan steam boat *buat ngerayain hari ulang taunku sebenernya*... Asiikkk, steam boatnya enak, dim sum nya juga enaakkk.. Yeah, what a perfect day.. Malemnya makan bebek goreng :D hahahaha... PUAS~~~~~

Terus, dilanjut hari ini, makan sushii ... Sayang sushi ga sempet difoto, uda keburu dimakan dulu siiihhh.. Hahahahha.. Terus ditutup sama ice cream *namanya apa yaa??? lupa*. Abis itu pergi ke Grand City sama Ko Hadi n foto-foto di sana *jangan lupa di upload ya ko~~ :P*
ihihihii... Happy~~ Happy~~~~

Ps: jok tanya hasil ujianku *or i gonna kill u*~~~~

Sunday, December 19, 2010


TIDAAKKK !!!!!!!!
Besok hasil ujian keluarrrrr....
Oh tidaaaaaaaaaakkkkk!!!!!!!!!!
Udah waktu itu belajarnya asal-asalan. Moga-moga ga ada yang di bawah C!!! =.= ya Tuhaannn, bisakah waktu diperlambat... Aku belum mau matiii....


takyut dimarahiiii

Friday, December 17, 2010

A Special Gift for on My birthday

Hi guys!! See you all again ....
Well, today is my birthday!! yippie .. And i get a lot of gift from special people around me :D. How i love this time birthday. What a day with thousand happiness (and food). Hehehehe.... Really appreciate this birthday, therefore let me share all the gift that i receive today :)

A love gift from my grandma~~
Well, well.. My grandma, she really never forget my birthday XD. She always cook something or bake something on my birthday and i love it so much!!! Weew, today she cook for me my favorite food: Sup Buntut!! Well, for you guys who thought buntut is butt, in indonesia buntut is TAIL!! ok?? TAIL!! (and of course it's ox tail, my twins asked me whether we can use pig tail or not? Of course cannot la, pig tail so small =.= hahahha). Don't misinterpret it!!! hahahaha. See how nice it that ...

And the second thing she cook for me was, ta mie... Wohooo!! How i miss that food so much~~ In malaysia i cannot find any ta mie as nice as my grandmas one.. .. nice!!! See, see... :DD

A gift from my mum
Actually today there's a conversation between my and my mom which went like this..
Mum (M): Actually i already thought of a gift for you...
Lia (L): And, what's that?
M: your bb la...
L: huh? but it's not become a gift anymore, since you bought it far from my birthday..
M: Huh?? you want me to buy you another thing?? Actually that bb suppose to be your birthday gift la, but you lost your cellphone first... Aish..
L: that's accident maaa...
M: actually you know, every time i planned of buying new cellphone to replace the old one, always the old one will lost... 3 times already...
L: then you no need to think next time, just buy bb torch for me.. hahahahaha
M: Gundulmu ~~~
wakakakakaka.. but, that bb still become my gift la :D hahahahha

A gift from my 'GJ' sister...
Well, hahaha, hate to admit since her head will become so big after this.. wakakkaka.. She's very good at making poem. So for this time she promise me to make 2 poem (one good and one cacad). One poem she make it half cacad, the second one... Mana ciii ???

A gift from my best friend...
Reg, mana kadomu *threatening* Taktunggu!! wakakakakkaka...

Also, the wishes from all my Malaysian friends :D, my CUS family, my PCC friends, and my coursemate, thank you, i really appreciate it .
Well, that's all for my birthday. What an amazing birthday with amazing people around me... this is one of the best birthday i've ever had..

Thanks all!!!
See ya next time
and, let me mengGJ tonite XD

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