CUS Coffee Morning
Today we do a fund rising for our CUS.. We held it in two churches, one is in OLS and another is in Assumption. We never expect that the event went well and we can earn quite much. Really thanks to God :)
The day before the fund raising, we all stay in the FM house to prepare the food. But since we all love to play more, we end up playing till 1 or 2 AM in the morning.. And the result is we just have 3 hour (or less) sleep. We wake up around 4AM to prepare all the food that we gonna sell straightly after the mass. Luckily the church that i choose have a late mass, so after i prepare the food i sleep again... Hahahahah..
Well, this is our first fund raising and the earn is quite much. And there's a lot of good people who wanna donate for us, so before we all went back we donate the leftover of the food to the orphan. But in the end not all the food we donate since there is some ungrateful member who bring the food go dating and get lost =.=.. That people really try to make my blood boil and kill them.. OMG!!
But ok la, it's their problem with God.. I'm really thankful that this fund raising went well!! :))
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