Friday, June 18, 2010


I really really happy today.. hehehe.. finally my mom allow me to go to tumpang after so much struggle, even the one who persuade her is my sister (big thanks to my sis *muach*). Since i was young i don't really rely on pray (even i heard a lot of miracle on it), you can say that i don't really believe on miracle of pray. My elder sister told me to pray to God, so He will make my mom heart softened and i did it today. I already lost my hope since today my mom went back quite late, usually her mood will be very bad at night, but today she just smile and allow us to go to tumpang.. Yaaayy!!! what a miracle.. ^^
Another miracle is, lately you know that i was very very depressed over my problem and i always ask to God why He didn't freeze my heart, so that i won't feel pain when i betray my friends (like they always do). And lately, there is a feeling that always haunt me: What if someday i hurt my elder sister by betraying her or something; and what if someday i hurt my best friend my leaving her all alone while i know that she needs me.. What if i do that someday without realizing it? And i realize that actually i'll be very scared if they leave me someday cause won't have someone to hold. So i make my decision "God, no need to frozen my heart because i am happy with who i am now and i am happy that i have sister and friends who'll never leave me"
Ok, i think that's all for today.. I have to wake up early tomorrow and prepare for my sisters' brother wedding party (i guess 'my sisters' brother' is a bit complicated.. hahahaha)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elder sister? Do u have any? Ucik u mean?

Anw going to Tumpang? Are u going to meet my lil sis den? She is allowed to go to Tumpang!!! Which means~~~ There won't be any problem letting me go to Tumpang with u around nov?

Plok2!!! It feels good to know u r hepi :p

June 18, 2010 at 4:44 AM  
Anonymous Lia said...

owh.. ok!! let's meet her there then.. hahaha...

June 18, 2010 at 4:12 PM  

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